Unlearning and Relearning is Hard but Worth it

by | Jun 14, 2019 | Business Model

Embarking on a business model change? If you’re looking for alternatives to billing by the hour, you’re looking at more than a revenue model change, it’s a business model change.

Why? Because over the last 5 generations, CPAs have been taught they sell “time.” It’s so deeply ingrained that firms have built the entirety of their practice management around hours. This means there are a lot of things to unlearn to institutionalize an alternative approach but it’s not as daunting as it sounds and it’s wholly worthwhile.

Barry Melancon, the AICPA’s CEO, speaks often about our need in the accounting profession to “Unlearn and Relearn” and I couldn’t agree more. Old habits and known ways don’t bend easily among accountants. Kind of like all of us knowing how to ride a bike. Can you unlearn that?

I don’t want to give any spoilers for this terrific and inspiring video, but here’s one of Dustin’s quotes:

“Once you have a rigid way of thinking in your head, sometimes you cannot change it even if you want to.”


I’d love to help you and your firm unlearn counting hours and believing that hours equate to your worth, and relearn powerful ways to:

  • collaborate with customers to deepen those relationships and have even more of a positive impact on those you serve
  • collaborate with your team to increase your solution creativity and reinvigorate your passion for the profession
  • inspire you to move toward doing “more things” for fewer customers but make more than you do now
  • price your work (upfront!) with complete customer buy-in to the price, and comfort on the firm’s end regarding profitability.

Let’s talk!


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